#cycle 1 #end :light #change breakable yellow solid #change water yellow fake #change green invisible blue breakable #end @mus #cycle 1 #end :looney #play q-b+seeid#c#-bq.g# #play i-b+seeid#c#dq.d# #play td#s.d#i-b+c#-b+sd#-i.b+c#tx-b #play i-b+cc#dd#exse #end @spell #cycle 1 #end :summon :s :s :s :s :s :s :s :s #play t-e!+f#+a# #change red invisible solid /i #change red solid invisible #change purple invisible solid /i #change purple solid invisible #zap s #s :s #change purple invisible empty #change red invisible empty #all:summ /i/i #Karen:augh #end #bind wr @rock #cycle 1 #end :fall #play t00x0 #char 254 #walk s #end :thud #walk idle #play t914675800 #char 15 /i #put e white line #char 249 #walk n /w #walk idle #char 250 #change white line empty /i #Maleen:hither #die Unregistered @wr #cycle 1 #end :light #char 124 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 240 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 85 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 77 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 105 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 115 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 115 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 105 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 111 #cycle 1 #end :light #char 110 @cy #cycle 1 #end :light #become cyan normal °±± ±° #bind cy #bind bl #bind cy ° ±° @bl #cycle 1 #end :light #become blue normal #bind cy ° #bind cy #bind bl #bind cy #bind bl #bind bl #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 83 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 111 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 102 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 116 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 87 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 97 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 114 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 101 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 86 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 105 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 115 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 105 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 111 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 110 #cycle 1 #end :byl #char 115 @who #cycle 2 #end :you :off #char 32 #end :kar #char 75 /i #char 32 /i #kar :mal #char 77 /i #char 32 /i #mal @who #cycle 2 #end :off #char 32 #end :mal :kar #char 97 /i #char 32 /i #kar :you #char 89 /i #char 32 /i #you @who #cycle 2 #end :off #char 32 #end :kar #char 114 /i #char 32 /i #kar :mal #char 108 /i #char 32 /i #mal :you #char 79 /i #char 32 /i #you @who #cycle 2 #end :off #char 32 #end :kar :mal #char 101 /i #char 32 /i #mal :you #char 85 /i #char 32 /i #you @who #cycle 2 #end :off :you #char 32 #end :kar #char 110 /i #char 32 /i #kar :mal #char 101 /i #char 32 /i #mal @who #cycle 2 #end :off :you :kar #char 32 #end :mal #char 110 /i #char 32 /i #mal #bind daz2 #bind daz #bind daz2 #bind daz #bind daz #bind daz #cycle 2 #end :mus #char 14 /i #walk n /e #char 13 /w/e #die #bind dem2 @dem2 #cycle 1 #end :summ #char 220 #end :chase #walk e #end :poof #die @daz2 #cycle 1 #end :on #char 9 /i #char 7 /i #on :off #die #bind daz2 @Lsw #cycle 1 #end :flip #char 207 #play t1 #all:light #end :dist #char 205 /i #char 196 /i #char 45 /i #char 250 /i #die @Msw #cycle 1 #end :flip #char 207 #play t1 #all:mus #end :dist #char 205 /i #char 196 /i #char 45 /i #char 250 /i #die @Karen #cycle 1 #end :come /s/s/i #char 1 /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w #end :pushmal /i/i/w/w #play t90 #Maleen:pushed /w #cycle 11 /i #who:kar And -I- am the GREAT Black Wizard Karen!!! /i/i You: ..er...Did I mention the WONDERFUL /i/i #who:off #daz:off #daz2:off supporting cast? ... /i/i You: Karen, demonstrate some of your /i/i awesome powers! /i/i Karen: Ok... /i/i/i #cycle 1 ** LIGHTNING! ** #play t1x4690 #change yellow invisible normal /i #change yellow normal empty #change white invisible yellow normal /i #change yellow normal empty #change blue invisible yellow breakable /i #change yellow breakable empty #cycle 11 /i You: Ouch!! Not me!! /i/i Karen: Oops. Sorry. /i/i You: Try something less destructive... /i/i ...like maybe ** PILLOW ** ?? #Maleen:posi /i/i Karen: How about... /i/i/i ** SUMMON! ** #spell:summon #cycle 1 #end :augh Karen: Uh oh... /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i AUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! /i #all:chase :chase #walk e #end :thud #char 32 #die #bind dem2 #bind dem @dem5 #cycle 1 #end :summ #char 10 #end :chase #walk e #end :poof #die @dem #cycle 1 #end :summ #char 178 #end :chase #walk e #end :poof #die @daz #cycle 1 #end :on #char 7 /i #char 9 /i #on :off #die @Maleen #cycle 1 #end :come /s #char 2 /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play t90 #You:push /w #end :brag #who:mal Well..I am Maleen! The great White Wizard! #cycle 22 ' /i #Karen:pushmal #cycle 1 #end :pushed /s/s/i/s #end :posi /n/n/e/e/n #end :chase #walk e #end :thud #char 32 #walk idle /n #end :sheesh ...sheesh... #char 2 /w/s /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w #DrKris:push /w #end :closer /w #end :backup /e #end :const /e/e/e/e/e #cycle 11 /i Maleen: I shall now perform MY magic! /i/i Karen: ...sheesh... /i/i Maleen: AHEM...My first trick... #bunny:redy /i/i Maleen: A rabbit out of my...thin air! /i/i ** POOF! ** #bunny:out /i/i Karen: That's SOME bunny! /i/i Maleen: It's...The energizer bunny! #bunny:drum /i/i It keeps going and going and going and... #bunny:leave #end :next /i Maleen: Now for some more animals... #anim:pre /i/i A snake!!! #anim:snake /i A lion!!! #anim:lion /i A tiger!!! #anim:tiger /i A bear!!! (oh my!) #anim:bear /i And a dragon! #anim:dragon /i/i/i You: MALEEN!!! /i/i Maleen: What now?? /i/i You: I thought this was a title screen! /i/i Maleen: Well, duh... /i/i You: It looks more like a zoo!!! /i/i Maleen: Ok...Ok...Gimme a sec... /i/i/i *** DISSOLVE! *** #anim:diss #play t++g-g-g+g+f#-f#-f#+f#+d!-d!-d!-d! /i/i/i Karen: ACK!! Those poor things... <sob> /i/i Karen: ... /i/i ** AVALANCHE! ** #rock:fall #end :hither Maleen: OUCH! Why'd ya do that??? <oooh..> /i/i Karen: That'll teach you to hurt poor /i/i little innocent animals! /i/i Maleen: You should know by now that they /i/i are all illusions!!! /i/i You: That's enough of that! Cut it out! /i/i It looks like our time for the title /i/i screen is almost up... /i/i/i Let's go now. /i/i Maleen: Already??? /i/i Karen: But we were having fun!!! /i/i You: I know. But the poor player out there /i/i is wondering when they'll get a chance to /i/i actually play! /i/i Karen: You mean it's time to PLAY??? /i/i Maleen: The GAME??? /i/i You: Yes, it is. /i/i Maleen & Karen: Goody! #cycle 1 /i #DrKris:slowoff #cycle 7 #walk e #zap thud Maleen: Just remember...I'm the star! /i/i/i/i Karen: Nonononono...I'M the star. /i :lp /i/i/i Maleen: Sorry. But -I'M- the star. /i/i/i/i Karen: Excuse me...I AM THE STAR. /i #lp :thud #You:gogo #die @DrKris #cycle 2 #end :red #char 1 /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e #cycle 22 I would like to take this opportunity... /i/i ...to introduce myself. /i I am, how you say, the villian. /i My name is Dr Kris. /i And now.. I will DESTROY YOU!!! #play t+d#-d#+d-dt.dsds.did /i HAHAHAHAhahahahah! /i #Cc:cc #cycle 1 #end :okey #Maleen:sheesh #end :push #play t90 Ooof... /w/w/w/w #cycle 22 Maleen: KAREN! /i That was not funny! /i Karen: Well you didn't have to push me! /i #Maleen:closer Maleen: Oh yeah? You shouldn't even be /e pretending! It's a serious matter! /i Karen: HA! All it was was a costume! /i Maleen: Well, one good thing... /i #You:saveday Karen: What!? /i Maleen: It certainly improves your looks! #cycle 1 #end :backup /w #end :const /n /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e #end :slowoff #cycle 7 #walk e #end :thud #die @dem4 #cycle 1 #end :summ #char 92 #end :chase #walk e #end :poof #die #bind dem #bind dem #bind dem @demC #cycle 1 #end :summ #char 223 #end :chase #walk e #end :thud #all:poof #die @You #cycle 1 /i/i/i/i/i/i #char 2 /i /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /i/i/i/i #cycle 22 Hello, player. /i I am the star of this game. /i I am, technically, YOU. /i YOU will control me through my adventures. /i (why do I always get the stupid ones...) /i Huh? Yeah..Uh...Well... /i We seem to be having some technical /i difficultys with the title screen. /i Rather easy to fix... /i First, we need some light... #cycle 1 /i/i/i /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/n/i/i #Lsw:flip /i/i/i/s/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #cycle 22 There. That's better. /i Now...Some music... /i #cycle 1 /e/e/n/i/i #Msw:flip /i/i/i/s/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i Ahhh. Beautiful music. /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/i/i #cycle 22 /i What? /i You don't hear the music??? /i Trust me, it's beautiful. /i Now...Oh yeah...Credits! /i First...A by-line. #cycle 11 /i/i #play t04 -< snap of fingers >- #all:byl /i #cycle 22 There. /i Now...The CAST!!! /i First off...The star... /i ME! (you...) #daz:on #daz2:on #who:you #cycle 33 /i #Maleen:come #Karen:come #cycle 1 #end :push #who:off #Lsw:dist #Msw:dist Ooof... /w/w/w/w/w #cycle 20 /i #Maleen:brag #cycle 1 #end :chase #walk e #end :thud #walk idle #DrKris:red #char 32 #end :saveday /n #char 2 /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /s #Maleen:backup #DrKris:backup #cycle 22 #play t90 You: Hey! /i Stop it this instant! /i Karen: (sarcastically) Yes Mother! /i You: Very funny. /i Now can we please have some CONSTRUCTIVE /i title screen behavior??? /i Karen & Maleen: Ok... /i #all:const #cycle 1 /e #end :gogo #cycle 2 You: -< shrug >- #walk e #zap thud #end :thud #walk idle Oh well... #bunny2:Nend #char 32 #end :comment #cycle 2 #char 2 /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w You: By the way, the show is over. /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i You: Press 'P' to play... /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i ...and enjoy!!! /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e #die #bind dem3 @dem3 #cycle 1 #end :summ #char 208 #end :chase #walk e #end :poof #die @Cc #cycle 1 #end :cc /n/i #put n white object /i #put n cyan object /i/i/i #put n white object /i #put n cyan object /i/i/i #put n white object /i/i #put n cyan object /i/i #put n white object /i #put n cyan object /i #put n white object /i #put n cyan object /i #put n white object /i/i/i #DrKris:okey #die @anim #cycle 1 #end :pre /n/n/e #end :dragon #play t-cf#b!+d!fsg#xg#fxa#g#xxs.f #char 15 /i #char 42 /i #char 43 /i #char 146 /i #cycle 3 :l #go rndp rndne #l :diss #cycle 1 #char 15 /i #char 247 /i #if blocked e noe #put e purple line :noe #if blocked w now #put w purple line :now #char 249 /i #change purple line empty #die @anim #cycle 1 #end :pre /n #end :bear #play t-cf#b!+d!fg#+da+c #char 15 /i #char 42 /i #char 43 /i #char 153 /i #cycle 2 :l #go rndp rndne #l :diss #cycle 1 #char 15 /i #char 247 /i #if blocked w now #put w blue line :now #if blocked e noe #put e blue line :noe #char 249 /i #change blue line empty #die @anim #cycle 1 #end :pre /n #end :tiger #play t-cf#b!+d!fg#+da+c #char 15 /i #char 42 /i #char 43 /i #char 227 /i #cycle 2 :l #go rndp rndne #l :diss #cycle 1 #char 15 /i #char 247 /i #if blocked w now #put w cyan line :now #if blocked e noe #put e cyan line :noe #char 249 /i #change cyan line empty #die @anim #cycle 1 #end :pre /n #end :lion #play t-cf#b!+d!fg#+da+c #char 15 /i #char 42 /i #char 43 /i #char 234 /i #cycle 2 :l #go rndp rndne #l :diss #cycle 1 #char 15 /i #char 247 /i #if blocked e noe #put e red line :noe #if blocked w now #put w red line :now #char 249 /i #change red line empty #die @anim #cycle 1 #end :pre /n/n/w #end :snake #play t-cf#b!+d!fg#+da+c #char 15 /i #char 42 /i #char 43 /i #char 235 /i #cycle 2 :l #go rndp rndne #l :diss #cycle 1 #char 15 /i #char 247 /i #if blocked w now #put w green line :now #if blocked e noe #put e green line :noe #char 249 /i #change green line empty #die @bunny #cycle 1 #end :redy /n/n/w/w #end :out #play t+be!fc-be!fc-be!fc-b! #char 15 /i #char 42 /i #char 43 /i #char 38 /e #end :drum #cycle 2 #put e white boulder #end :leave #play t6 #try e ee #play t4 #try e ee #leave :ee #put e empty /e #Maleen:next #die @bunny2 #cycle 2 #end :Nend /i/i/i #char 254 #play t6 /i #char 38 #put e white boulder #play t4 /i :lp :lp :lp :lp #play t6 /e #play t4 /e #zap lp #lp :lp The energizer bunny... :l2 :l2 :l2 :l2 :l2 :l2 #play t6 /e #play t4 /e #zap l2 #l2 :l2 It keeps going...and going...and going... :loop #play t6 #try e endloop #play t4 #try e endloop #loop :endloop #put e empty /e #porky:all #die @porky #cycle 1 #end :all #char 1 #mus:looney /n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n #cycle 11 /i/i Porky Pig: Abadeababadadebdab... /i/i That's all folks!!! /i #cycle 1 /s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s #You:comment #die