Keep-the-lawyers-happy STUFF The game is freeware. °°° U can copy it. °°°° U can sell it only with °°°°° °°°°° my permission. °°°°°°°° °°°°°°° U cant change it, and then °°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° distribute it. °°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° PLEASE dont use the name °°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° Detrot in any of your °°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°° parodys! Its MY parody! °°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°° U can have fun. °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° U can register, but it is NOT °°°°°°°°°°°°° @Guy /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I BOOOOORING!!!! /I/I/I/I/I/I DONT READ THIS IF YOU CAN HELP IT <g>!!! /I/I/I/I/I/I #CYCLE 1 /S/S/S/S/S/S/S/S/S/S /E/E /S/S/S/S/S/S/S/S /E/E #SHOOT E #end :go #cycle 1 /E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E #CYCLE 4 <sigh> You still here!? /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I I cant BELIVE youre reading this. /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Well, thats LIFE IN DETROT! /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Yeah, its a parody! Detroit/Detrot... /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Get it... ... ...? /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Guess not, huh. Weeeeeeell, /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I COMON! Detrot is DETROIT without the I! /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Ya know... detroit-i=detrot! /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I <sigh> detroIt <--- THAT I! That I! /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Its supposed to be funny, ya know. /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Whadaya mean,"WHATS SUPPOSED TA-BE FUNNY?" /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I ITS A JOKE! Detrot/Detroit! /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I You are hardheaded. /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Of course, Im just a computer-controlled /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Figment of Corey Garriotts imagianiation! /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Yeah, hes the programmer. /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I He made up that joke. /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Not me. /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I So, dont blame me! /I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I Hey, what are you doing? /I/I/I #SEND SHUTUP:SHUTUP #end :shot /n/s/s/s #die required. All I, and you get, °°°°°°°°°°°°°° are comments. 74004,251 is @Shutup #end :shutup #cycle 1 /W /s/s /W /W /S #cycle 4 Aw shut up, who(m)ever you are! #shoot w #shoot w #shoot w #CYCLE 3 /E/n/n/n/E /I/I /E/E/E/E/E/E/E/E #play tceg #play #tc#fg# #play tdf#a #play td#ga# #play teg#+c #DIE °°°°°°°°°°°°°°° my User ID. ********** is °° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° the password <G>. °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° @Badguy #end :shot Another badguy bites the dust! /n/s/s #send guy:go #die °°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°