@Loopers #END :Start #cycle 1 __ /i ____ /i ______ /i ________ /i __________ /i ____________ /i _____<>_____ /i ____<DE>____ /i ___<DEAT>___ /i __<DEATH >__ /i _<DEATH OF>_ /i <DEATH OF A> /i <DEATH OF A C> /i <EATH OF A CO> /i <ATH OF A COC> /i <TH OF A COCK> /i <H OF A COCKR> /i < OF A COCKRU> /i <OF A COCKRUM> /i <F A COCKRUM > /i </ A COCKRUM\> /i < -A COCKRU- > /i < \ COCKR/ > /i < |COCK| > /i < /OC\ > /i < -- > /i < \IS/ > /i < | IS | > /i < / IS \ > /i <- IS -> /i < IS > /i < IS > /i < IS > /i < IS > /i < IS > /i <IS > /i <S > /i < #> /i < #-> /i < #-C> /i < #-CR> /i < #-CRE> /i < #-CREA> /i < #-CREAT> /i < #-CREATE> /i < #-CREATED> /i < #-CREATED.> /i < #-CREATED..> /i <#-CREATED...> /i <-CREATED...s> /i <CREATED...sc> /i <REATED...scr> /i <EATED...scra> /i <ATED...scrat> /i <TED...scratc> /i <ED...scratch> /i <D...scratch > /i <...scratch t> /i <..scratch th> /i <.scratch tha> /i <scratch that> /i <cratch that > /i <ratch that W> /i <atch that WA> /i <tch that WAS> /i <ch that WAS > /i <h that WAS C> /i < that WAS CR> /i <that WAS CRE> /i <hat WAS CREA> /i <at WAS CREAT> /i <t WAS CREATE> /i < WAS CREATED> /i <WAS CREATED > /i <AS CREATED B> /i <S CREATED BY> /i < CREATED BY:> /i <CREATED BY: > /i <REATED BY: P> /i <EATED BY: Pr> /i <ATED BY: Pre> /i <TED BY: Pres> /i <ED BY: PresH> /i <D BY: PresHG> /i < BY: PresHGS> /i <BY: PresHGSI> /i <Y: PresHGSI@> /i <: PresHGSI@E> /i < PresHGSI@Ex> /i <PresHGSI@Exc> /i <resHGSI@Exci> /i <esHGSI@Excit> /i <sHGSI@Excite> /i <HGSI@Excite.> /i <GSI@Excite.C> /i <SI@Excite.Co> /i <I@Excite.Com> /i <@Excite.Com_> /i <Excite.Com__> /i <xcite.Com___> /i <cite.Com____> /i <ite.Com_____> /i <te.Com______> /i <e.Com_______> /i <.Com________> /i <Com_________> /i <om__________> /i <m___________> /i <____________> /i <*__________*> /i <*________*> /i <*______*> /i <*____*> /i <*__*> /i <**> /i <> /i <Pr> /i <Pres> /i <Press > /i <ress '> /i <ess 'P> /i <ss 'P'> /i <s 'P' > /i < 'P' t> /i <'P' to> /i <P' to > /i <' to p> /i < to pl> /i <to pla> /i <o play> /i < play > /i <play ;> /i <lay ;)> /i <ay ;) > /i <y ;) > /i < ;) > /i <;) > /i <) > /i < > /i < __ > /i < ____ > /i <______> /i <____> /i <__> /i <> /i .. /i/i/i/i/i #send Start @Killer #END :Show #char 002 #END :Looper #cycle 1 /n/s/e/w /n/s/e/w /n/s/e/w /n/s/e/w #END :dead #put n forest #put e forest #become forest #END #cycle 4 /i/i/i/i #char 250 /i#char 249 /i#char 248 /i#char 236 /i#char 001 /i#char 002 #cycle 20 /i Before I begin... I would like to point /i out to chuck that I AM NOT A NEWBIE. /i Thank you for your patience. /i Now, on with the show... /i #send Killer:Show Ok, this is the killer. He killed Mike /i Cockrum. You have to kill him. As you /i #send Killer:looper can tell, the killer is psychotic. So, it /i is up to you to find out who the killer /i is. /i #send Anim:Start #END :Dead #cycle 1 #become Forest #END #END :Dead #char 111 #END #END :Dead #char 102 #END @Loopers #END :Start #char 001 /i #char 002 /i $Psychotic weird: Ha-ha-ha... So, how do you like my cheesey title screen? It sucks... huh? Anyway, try out the real game. It's more fun! Oh, yeah... Don't forget to try SuperWAD. Get it from http://Superwad.homepage.com. #END :Dead #char 67 #END #END :Dead #char 111 #END #END :Dead #char 099 #END #END :Dead #char 107 #END #END :Dead #char 114 #END #END :Dead #char 117 #END #END :Dead #char 109 #END @Anim #END :Start #cycle 3 /i #send All:Dead #change white invisible white line /i/i #change green invisible forest #change forest fake #cycle 20 /i #change blue invisible torch #change torch solid /i/i #change cyan invisible star /i/i #change star water #change yellow invisible star /i/i #change star water #change purple invisible star /i/i #cycle 1 #change star water /i #change red invisible forest #change forest fake #change empty fake #send Loopers:Start #END